- Training session held at IIA Head Office
In an effort to make IIA Head Office a paperless office, a training programme of the Executives is h e l d a t II A B h a w a n , Lucknow on 4th June 2016 with the help of Microsoft, Ingram and Pentacle. In this hands on practice programme, special applications of Office 365 such as Share point online, Exchange online, one drive for business, one note, publisher, skype for business, yammer etc apart from word, excel, power point, outlook are practiced. Mr. Gaurav Tripathi from Ingram and Mr. Pratik Tripathi from Pentacle gave a live demo and trained IIA employees of the new tools/services which IIA could make use of for better results and increasing efficiency in day to day working.
- MDP on Capacity Building for Higher Performance and Growth
A Two Days Capacity Building Programme on Higher Performance & Growth of Organisation was organized by IIA MSME Development Center (IMDC) of Indian Industries Association (IIA) at IIA Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow on 18 and 19 June, 2016. The programme was attended by more than 50 delegates who attended it from different parts of U.P as well as from Madhya Pradesh.
Reputed speakers such as Dr. Vikram Singh Ex. DGP U.P, Dr V.V.Singh Chairman Kibbutz Consultancy, Dr. Shikha Tripathi Senior faculty BIRD, Dr. Archana Sharma Associate Professor with Amity University Lucknow and Mr. Nirmal Kumar Director Gyan Ganga Temple delivered sessions on various topics to MSME participants.
Shri Manish Goel, President-IIA said that Indian Industries Association (IIA), a QCI Gold rated body has been working exclusively for the promotion and development of MSMEs for 31 years now since 1985 and will continue to do so in future as well. It is for the betterment of the MSMEs and for solving identified problems of MSME Entrepreneurs that they witness in their professional as well as personal life that this dedicated programme was designed. In future also, IIA will continue doing such programmes
- MDP on Use of Information Technology and Mobile Device for Business
One-day Management Developmet Programme on “Use of Information Technology A& Mobile Devices for Business” was organized by MSME Development Center (IMDC) of Indian Industries Association (IIA) on 10th July 2016. The programme was highly effective and helpful for expanding business by the use of IT by the Entrepreneurs of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises who attended the programme from all over Uttar Pradesh.
Renowned speakers such as Prof. Sanjay Medhavi; Dr Syed Haider Ali; Shri Nrayan Shukla delivered Technical sessions on topics- “Role of Information Technology in Business Success”; “Business Impact of Mobile Apps and availability/ design of Mobile Apps”; “Session on Online Shopping, Digital Marketing and Social Networking, Digital Communication and Computing” respectively.
Shri Manmohan Agarwal, Secretary IIA said, “Such programmes helps entrepreneurs like us to increase the efficiency of the business. More such need based programmes will be held in the near future for the benefit and promotion of MSMEs”.
Shri Manish Goel, President-IIA in his concluding remarks said this programme was aimed to make the MSME entrepreneurs aware about the latest Mobile and other IT applications specifically designed for business persons. Adoption of IT where on one hand reduce the amount of paper work, and on the other hand also reduce the time taken for completion of work as a result of which the efficiency of a business is increased.
- UNIQUE PROGRAMME Exclusively For MSME Entrepreneurs with spouse (COUPLES)- One-Day Workshop on “Relax and Rejuvenate for Growth of Self & the Organization”
Indian Industries Association (IIA) is organising an exclusive workshop for MSME Entrepreneurs and their spouse for growth of self and the organisation on 8th October, 2016 (Saturday) in IIA Head Office, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. This one day programme with a focus on the spiritual consciousness including practical of Sadhana, mind development/maturity, maintenance of health and ultimately growth of self and the Organisation will be conducted by a renowned corporate trainer, Mr. Nirmal Kumar having an experience of almost 61 years ( 23 years of experience in DCM as Head Labour, Personnel and Training Department, 17 years with Hindalco Industries Ltd as Head of HRD, 21 years as founder Director, Gyan Ganga Training Temple).
- Workshop on Data Analytics using R Programming (18th Nov. 2016)
Indian Industries Association (IIA), Awadh Technology Park and SEZ P Ltd organized two-days workshop on “Data Analytics using R programming” on 18th - 19th Nov, 2016 at IIA Bhawan, Lucknow. This workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Ajay Deep Singh I.A.S, Managing Director U.P. Electronics Corporation Limited. This workshop aimed to provide hands-on experience on widely used analytics tool “R” to the participants who will be able to use the tool on their own.
- ZED Awareness Programme
Zero Effect Zero Defect (ZED) programme an initiative of Govt. of India under make in India movement has been launched for MSME's of India. This programme is being implemented through Quality Council of India (QCI). IIA being the member of the Governing Body of QCI have decided to organize ZED Awareness programme in all IIA Chapters.
25th Jan 2017 at Dehradoon
28th Jan 2017 at Saharanpur
15th Feb 2017 at Noida
18th March 2017 at Meerut
20th March 2017 at Lucknow
22nd March 2017 at Moradabad
- Programme on Skill Development Initiative
Indian Industries Association (IIA) and Association for Knowledge Workers Lucknow (AKWL) jointly organized a programme on Skill Development Initiative on 3rd Feb 2017 at IIA Bhawan, Lucknow . Mr. C.V. SinghEx Vice President TATA Motors Lucknow, Mr. Arunachalam Karthikeyan- Country Head iMOVE, Mr. V.K. Agarwal – Past President IIA, Mr. Anil Gupta- Past President IIA, Mr. G.C. Chaturvedi- Past President IIA and Senior Officers from TATA Motors attended this Programme.
- State level Seminar on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME's)
A State level Seminar on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME's) was organized by Indian Industries Association (IIA) at IIA Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand Gomit Nagar Lucknow on st21 April.2017. The seminar was attended by more than 100 Delegates including industrialists, IIA Office Bearers and chapter Chairman form different districts of U.P. Mr. Satyadev Pachauri Hon'ble Minister MSME & Export Promotion Uttar Pradesh was Chief Guest & Dr. Rajneesh Dubey, I.A.S, Principal Secretary, MSME & Export Promotion Government of U.P was Guest of Honor for the Seminar.
- Seminar on Industrial Development in U.P.
After the formation of a new government in Uttar Pradesh, the biggest industrial seminar was organized by Indian Industries Association (IIA) at IIA Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand Gomit Nagar Lucknow on 18th September, 2017. The seminar was attended by more than 150 Delegates including industrialists, IIA Office Bearers and chapter Chairman from different districts of U.P. Mr. Satish Mahana, Minister of Industrial Development Government of UP was Chief Guest for the Seminar. Media Representatives were also present for covering the proceedings of the seminar.
The Programme was started with the welcome address by Mr. K.K. Agrawal- General Secretary, IIA. Seminar proceedings started with the presentation by Mr Sunil Vaish, President IIA on IMPORTANT ISSUES/ PROPOSALS FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN U.P and also presented the status of MSME’s, Industrial Development and Udyog Bandhu Meetings in U.P.
The entrepreneurs from different parts of Uttar Pradesh also presented their thoughts and suggestions in front of Hon’ble Minister. Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Member Central Executive Committee, Shri Tarun Khetrapal, Former President, IIA and Mr. R K Chaudhary, Divisional Chairman Varanasi also gave presentations on the Industrial Development in Western UP, Central UP and Eastern UP respectively.
- Seminar on industrial development in u.p.
A Seminar on Industrial Development in Uttar Pradesh was held at IIA Bhawan Lucknow on 25th November 2017 organized by Indian Industries Association wherein Dr. Anup Chandra Pandey, I.A.S, Infrastructure & Industrial Development Commissioner Uttar Pradesh was the Chief Guest.
At the outset President IIA made a presentation on IIA and its functioning. This was followed by the presentation on status & issues of industrialization in Central U.P., Western U.P. & Eastern U.P. Shri Tarun Khetrapal- Former President IIA, Shri Pankaj Gupta- Vice President IIA, Shri Pradeep Azad- Former President IIA and Shri S.P. Sharma- Chairman Greater Noida Chapter made the presentations.
- IIA Orientation Programme in 2018
A. IIA Office Bearers Orientation Programme at Meerut on 7th & 8th Sep. 2018
Almost 55 Chapter Chairmen, Divisional Chairmen & their teams and other Ofce Bearers were present in this orientation th thprogramme held on 7 & 8 September 2018 at IIA Bhawan, Meerut. Speakers of the programme were Shir Ajay Gupta- Former President IIA, Shri Pankaj Gupta- Sr. Vice President IIA, Shri Manmohan Agarwal- General Secretary IIA, Shri Sanjeev Gupta- CEC Member, Shri D.S. Verma- Executive Director IIA and Shri Swyam Saxena- Executive IIA.
At the outset President IIA made a presentation on IIA and its functioning. This was followed by the presentation on status & issues of industrialization in Central U.P., Western U.P. & Eastern U.P. Shri Tarun Khetrapal- Former President IIA, Shri Pankaj Gupta- Vice President IIA, Shri Pradeep Azad- Former President IIA and Shri S.P. Sharma- Chairman Greater Noida Chapter made the presentations.
B. IIA Office Bearers Orientation Programme at Lucknow on 15th Sep. 2018
Orientation Programme for IIA Office Bearers was organized by Indian Industries Association on 15 September 2018 at IIA Bhawan Lucknow. The Programme was chaired by National President IIA Shri Sunil Vaish. Representatives of 12 Chapters attended the programme. Speakers of the programme were Shri Manmohan Agarwal- General Secretary IIA, Shri Sanjay Kaul- Former President IIA, Shri Manish Goel- Former President IIA, Shri S.B. Jakhotia-Treasurer IIA, Shri D.S. Verma- Executive Director IIA, Shri Mohit Dixit- Executive Accounts IIA and Shri Swyam Saxena – Executive IIA.
At the outset President IIA made a presentation on IIA and its functioning. This was followed by the presentation on status & issues of industrialization in Central U.P., Western U.P. & Eastern U.P. Shri Tarun Khetrapal- Former President IIA, Shri Pankaj Gupta- Vice President IIA, Shri Pradeep Azad- Former President IIA and Shri S.P. Sharma- Chairman Greater Noida Chapter made the presentations.
- IIA Sensitization Programme on Industry 4.0 & HR 4.0
To make MSMEs aware about "industry 4.0" concepts a sensitization programme was organized by Indian Industries Association at IIA Bhawan Lucknow on 25th April 2019 from 3:00 PM to 7:00PM.
The programme was addressed by Manoj Kumar Trivedi, Founder | Director | Business Mentor, iGlobal Research and Analytics, Kolkata. In his presentation he explained that Industry 4.0, AI & HR 4.0 is not just about technological advancement, it is more about building business intelligence for Productivity Analysis and efficiency. This fourth industrial revolution has already reduced the human resources requirements of many businesses through automation. Similarly, the exchange of data among disparate systems has dramatically enhanced efficiency and decision-making processes. HR 4.0 gives an opportunity to create sustainable competitive advantages to Industries.
More than 30 IIA members attended the programme and gained knowledge for preparing for the 4th industrial revolution.
- 5 S Awareness Programme
Indian Industries Association and Quality Circle Forum of India jointly organized Quality System Awareness Programme on 5-S Workplace Management at IIA Bhawan, Vibhti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow on 30th April 2019 from 4:00PM to 6:00 PM. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Manmohan Agarwal, General Secretary IIA.
Shri Shailendra Kumar, Chairman, Quality Circle Forum of India Lucknow Chapter gave detailed presentation on 5S concept and benefits to the Industry. During the session he shared the experiences of implementing 5-S quality management system in different types of production and service enterprises.
- Quality Circle Awareness Programme
Indian Industries Association and Quality Circle Forum of India jointly organized Quality System Awareness Programme on Quality Circle at IIA Bhawan, Vibhti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow on 7th May 2019. The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sunil Vaish, President IIA.
Shri Shailendra Kumar, Chairman, Quality Circle Forum of India Lucknow Chapter gave detailed presentation on Quality Circle and explained its benefits to the Industry. During the session he also explain about the functionality & implementation of 5S Workplace Management in Industry. More than 30 IIA members attended the programme. Shri Manmohan Agarwal, General Secretary IIA, Shri G.C. Chaturvedi, Past President IIA, Shri D.S. Verma Executive Director IIA and two Senior Faculties from QCFI Shri V.K Singh & Shri L.R.Yadav were also present on this occasion.
- Manpower Retention and Motivation Strategies in MSME a Joint Program of IIA and IILM
IILM Lucknow and Indian Industries Associated (IIA) organized a Management Development Programme on “Manpower Retention and Motivation” at IIA Bhawan, Vibhuti Khand, Lucknow today. The programme was targeted for Micro, Small and Medium Industries (MSME’s).
The programme was inaugurated by Mr. Manmohan Agarwal General Secretary IIA. Before the inauguration of the Programme Mr. D. S. Verma Executive Director IIA introduced participants about IIA MSME Development Center and collaboration between IILM Lucknow and IIA.
The programme was addressed by Dr. Sheetal Sharma, Prof. & Dean- Academics IILM, Dr. Vibhuti Gupta, Associate Prof. OB & HRM, IILM and Mr. Sachin Srivastava, Associate Prof. IILM.
- The 5S Work Place Management & JUSE Certification Programme.
The 5S Work Palace Management & JUSE Certification Programme was launched for implementation at Indian Industries Association at IIA Bhawan Lucknow on 25th June 2019. Programme was inaugurated by IIA’s National President Shri Sunil Vaish. General Secretary IIA Shri Manmohan Agarwal, IIA Former President Shri Manish Goel and IIA CEC Members Shri Sanjeev Gupta were also present on the occasion.
- IIA Orientation Programme in 2019 for IIA Executives
With an objective to train IIA Chapter Executives and Executives of HIBL for enrolment of new IIA members and retain the existing members, a full day programme was organised at IIA Head Office Lucknow. Chapter Executives from Gr. Noida, Kanpur, Lucknow, Raebareli, Saharanpur, Shahajahanpur and Chaubeypur attended this programme along with the executives from HIBL.
Mr. D.S. Verma, Executive Director IIA along with all H.O Heads of various functions gave presentations on IIA services for the Members, Benefits of becoming IIA member, Solving IIA members problems online, new member registrations, facilitation centers for MSME'S, payment of membership fee , facilities on IIA website, members welcome kit, member Privilege Cards, online IIA News Letter, business development programs for the members etc.